
Code Examples of Accessing HTTP Data in esProc

esProc can access data conveniently in http data source for processing. Now we'll look at some functions through an example.

In this example, a servlet provides outward query of employee information in json format. Servletaccessesemployee table in the database and saves employee information as follows:
EID   NAME       SURNAME        GENDER  STATE        BIRTHDAY        HIREDATE         DEPT         SALARY
1       Rebecca   Moore      F       California 1974-11-20       2005-03-11       R&D          7000
2       Ashley      Wilson      F       New York 1980-07-19       2008-03-16       Finance    11000
3       Rachel      Johnson   F       New Mexico     1970-12-17       2010-12-01       Sales         9000
4       Emily         Smith        F       Texas        1985-03-07       2006-08-15       HR    7000
5       Ashley      Smith        F       Texas        1975-05-13       2004-07-30       R&D          16000
6       Matthew Johnson   M     California 1984-07-07       2005-07-07       Sales         11000
7       Alexis        Smith        F       Illinois       1972-08-16       2002-08-16       Sales         9000
8       Megan     Wilson      F       California 1979-04-19       1984-04-19       Marketing        11000
9       Victoria    Davis        F       Texas        1983-12-07       2009-12-07       HR    3000

doGet function of servlet receives employee id strings of json format, queries corresponding employee information through the database and generates employee information list injson format and then returns it. Process of reading the database and generating employee information is omitted in the following code:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequestreq, HttpServletResponseresp) throws ServletException, IOException {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         String inputString=(String) req.getParameter("input");
         //inputString  input value is"[{EID:8},{EID:32},{EID:44}]";
         if (inputString==null) inputString="";
         String outputString ="";
         {...}//code for querying the database through inputString and generating outputSring is omitted here
            // the generated outputString

The following code can be used for esProc to access this http servlet

A1Define the input parameter to be submitted to servlet, i.e. the employeeidlist in json format.

A3Import A2, the result returned by httpfile objects.

A4Parse by rows the json format information of each employee, and create a sequence.

A5Compute on the table sequence in A4 and combine SURNAME and NAME into FULLNAME.

A6Export results of A5 to a text file. 

